Sukabumi is located about 120 km from Jakarta, or about two and a half hours travel by private car. This place is very easily accessible from Jakarta, Bogor and Bandung. Sukabumi has a variety of attractions, ranging from marine tourism, coastal tourism on the mountain. Some interesting places to visit, tourists, namely:
coastal tourism
Sukabumi has a long stretch of coast, 117 km from the Cibangban Beach, which is 17 km from Palabuhan ratu. This beach is very beautiful because it has a quiet beach compared to other beaches in Palabuhan ratu, and supported by the natural beauty of the panorama extraordinary environment. Palabuhan ratu beach will be more amazing when viewed in the afternoon when the sun has set, especially during the full moon. To be able to watch the sunset panorama can be seen from the beach Hawu Reef. For lodging, widely available along the coast inn that offers a variety of fasility, the only thing is Inna Samudra Beach Hotel.
Palabuhan ratu has many beaches with waves suitable for surfing activities, among others Cimaja Beach, beach and other beaches. This activity can be performed either the morning or late afternoon, the wind surfing is usually best to start blowing from the eleven in the morning until four o'clock in the afternoon. Usually the best season to meet their surfing activities from May to October.
Hawu reef which is usually called a panoramic view of beautiful sunsets, is also a good place to surf. The city is located about 2 km from Cimaja, while for the east Cimaja Karangsari with the waves not too big a place that is suitable for beginners.
Sukabumi has many rivers, which there are several rivers that have been very popular with rafting activities, such as Citarik River located about 30 km from the town of Sukabumi, this river has the best rapids and has a winding path down the mountain with views Hazy until kepesawahan beautiful woods from the right and left. Other rivers are also frequently used for the main tourist attractions are the river and the river Cimandiri Cicatih.
The annual ceremony
Annual Ceremony of the fishermen is the tradition of the fishermen in Palabuhanratu event to thank Almighty God for the pleasure they derived from marine sources in daily life. The event was held in April every year.
cangkuang ecotourism
Wana Cangkuang KPH Sukabumi Tourism is an object that provides a unique natural shades on the slopes of Mount Salak. Located atop Mount Salak Village Cidahu Sukabumi District, with a new and natural atmosphere thus providing naturally cool and calm atmosphere, so it is very suitable for family recreation, students and employees. In addition Cangkuang Wana Wisata is also suitable for implementing corporate meetings. For students and visitors that the interest of adventure tour organizer has prepared the ground camping and hiking tracks to reach the Queen and the Cauldron Waterfall Two terraces.
cipelang ecotourism
Cipelang tourist attraction that offers a natural ambience with a distinctive characteristic of the mountain, visitors are taken to the natural atmosphere that is hard to find nowadays, especially with very complex routines town atmosphere, the atmosphere KPH Sukabumi attractions suited to relieve stress and for family tourism, is very good to give lessons about nature and life.Located 15 km north of town at the foot of Mount Gede Sukabumi with temperatures ranging between 18-20oC with an average humidity of 17%. With a large enough area camping ground, Wana Wisata Cipelang very suitable for camping activities for students and the general public.
ecotourism cave buniayu
Buniayu Caves are natural cave formed by water erosion and dissolution of layers of limestone forest in the hills that occurred over thousands of years. Ecotourism is located in the village of Sukabumi Regency Nyalindung to Kertaangsana Sagaranten, with temperatures ranging between 20-28oC with an average rainfall is 3750 mm.
Sukabumi with a wealth of tourist attraction, has always been a visitor attraction. Actually there are many other places more interesting to visit. Tourists staying determining what attractions to visit.
is taken from postings wisatapasundan.com
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