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Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Investasi Emas Bab IV : Emas Sebagai Sarana investasi

gold as an investment vehicle

In general, people opt to invest in gold for a long-term benefit. This is because the value of gold is not too large in the short term in comparison with public investment in the stock market, for example.

But in the specific period, where gold in short-term investments provide higher profits, even when compared with investment in securities and deposit or bond perode. For example, since the beginning of September until the middle of October, 2009, gold prices have risen by more than 10%. This value is greater than the benefits obtained from these deposits. Taking into account, at the same time, the rate of SBI was linked only 6.5% per year. As well as income investment gold within a month of the period was still higher than the profits from the deposit during a year.

However, we have to note that the price of gold was not lifted forever. There are certain moments in which the price of gold was also significantly reduced.

Although the price of gold could go up and down, but in the long run tend to increase. current gold price has increased more than 300% compared with 10 years ago. If average averaging, the price of gold has increased over 30% each year.

The increase in value is higher than the average rate of inflation in Indonesia during the same period of the past. So it is clear that gold could be a good tool not only to prevent inflation, but also as a cost-effective investment vehicle.

translate in Indonesia


Pada umumnya orang memilih berinvestasi dalam bentuk emas untuk memperoleh keuntungan dalam jangka panjang. Hal ini disebabkan pertambahan nilai dari emas dinilai tidak terlalu besar dalam jangka pendek dibandingkan ivestasi di bursa saham misalnya.

Tetap pada periode-perode tertentu dimana investasi emas dalam jangka pendek menghasilkan return yang lebih tinggi, bahkan jika dibandingkan investasi di bursa saham dan deposito atau obligasi. Sebagai contoh, dari awal september hingga pertengahan oktober 2009, harga emas telah naik lebih dari 10%. Nilai ini jauh lebih tinggi dari keuntungan yang diperoleh dari deposito misalnya. Mengigat pada saat yang sama, suku bunga SBI dipatok hanya 6.5% per tahun. Jadi keuntungan dalam investasi emas dalam satu bulan pada periode tersebut masih lebih tinggi dari keuntungan yang didapat dari deposito selama satu tahun.

Walau demikian, kita mesti menyadari bahwa harga emas pun tidak selamanya naik. Ada masa-masa tertentu pula dimana harga emas mengalami penurunan yang cukup signifikan.

Walaupun harga emas bisa naik dan turun, tetapi dalam jangka panjang memiliki kecenderungan untuk meningkat. Harga emas saat ini telah mengalami kenaikan lebih dari 300% dibandingkan dengan 10 tahun yang lalu. Kalau kita rata-ratakan, berarti harga emas telah mengalami kenaikan lebih dari 30% tiap tahun.

Nilai Kenaikan ini jelas lebih tinggi dari tingkat rata-rata inflasi di Indonesia pada periode yang sama. Jadi jelaslah bahwa emas terbukti bisa menjadi sarana yang baik bukan hanya untuk menghindari inflasi, tetapi juga sebagai sarana investasi yang menguntungkan.

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

PEDOMAN INVESTASI EMAS BAGIAN III/investment guidelines for the gold section Tree

Gold has a limited supply and are not available, while demand for gold is never reduced, consequently the price of gold tends to increase from year to year.

In reality, the price of gold does not only depend on the conditions of supply and demand and supply and heat. The price of gold also depends on prekonomian situation as a whole.

The following are some economic situations which often affect gold prices :

1. change a rate of exchange
United States dollar exchange rate weakened usually encourage the increase in world gold prices. This is because investors prefer to sell their dollars and then buying gold, which is considered adequate to protect the value of assets they have. For example at the time of writing the exchange rate of U.S. dollar against other currencies continues to decline, while gold prices continue to rise until kelevel $ 1,070 per troy ounce which is the highest gold price in history.

2. situation world politics
The increase in gold prices in late 2002 and early 2003 occurred as a result of the attack on Iraq would be done by the allies were ordered by the United States. Switch from market players investing in money market and stock market for gold investment demand for gold jumped so sharply.

3. Supply and demand
One example that could affect supply and demand of gold is like in mid-1980 event. At that time, forward sales by mining companies always blamed for rising gold prices. In business terms, the actual behavior of the mining company makes sense. By making forward sales when gold prices rise, they will secure the price of mine output at a price that is quite interesting.

Other examples of cases in mid-1998, in which the gold price continues to slump. At that time, the central bank in Europe said it will reduce gold reserves in connection with the implementation plan euro currency. Gold prices fell around 290 dollars per troy ounce.

4. situation economics global
Approximately 80% of the total supply of used gold jewelry industry. Jewellery consumption demand sisis big influence.

When economic conditions improved, the need for jewelry tends to rise. However, from statistical data seen the need for jewelry is more sensitive to fluctuations in the price of gold compared with an increase of economic conditions.

The fall of the level of jewelry demand during the recession in the years 1982 - 1983 largely due to higher gold prices simultaneously. The fall of the level of jewelry demand days early 90's recession more in line with the above, then the gold price down.

The uncertain economic situation could lead to high inflation. Gold is used as a hedging tool against inflation. It was felt that investors Mangfaat for a long time. With gold investors have perfect protection for the declining purchasing power. As the year 1978 - 1980 gold prices are booming, while inflation in the U.S. increased from 4% to 14%, gold prices rose three-fold.

5. interest rate
When interest rates go up, there was a huge effort to save money on deposit than gold which does not earn interest. This will create pressure on gold prices. Conversely, when interest rates fall, the price of gold will likely rise.translate in Indonesia

In the short term teoro if prices rise, gold prices fell, In Indonesia, this theory does not always apply.


Emas memiliki suplay yang terbatas dan tidak mudah didapat, sementara permintaan terhadap emas tidak pernah berkurang, akibatnya harga emas cenderung mengalami kenaikan dari tahun ketahun.

Pada kenyataan sehari-hari, harga emas tidak hanya tergantung kepada situasi permintaan dan penawaran, atau supply and deman. Harga emas juga dipengaruhi oleh situasi prekonomian secara keseluruhan.

Berikut ini beberapa situasi ekonomi yang sering mempengaruhi harga emas :

1. Perubahan Kurs
Melemahnya kurs dollar AS biasanya mendorong kenaikan harga emas dunia. Hal ini disebabkan karena para investor lebih memilih menjual mata uang dollar mereka dan kemudian membeli emas yang dinilai mampu melindungi nilai aset yang mereka miliki. Sebagai contoh pada saat buku ini ditulis nilai tukar mata uang dollar terhadap mata uang lain terus menurun, sedangkan harga emas terus naik sampai kelevel $ 1.070 per troy ounce yang merupakan harga emas tertinggi sepanjang sejarah.

2. Situasi politik dunia
Kenaikan harga emas pada akhir tahun 2002 dan awal tahun 2003 terjadi sebagai dampak dari akan dilakukannya serangan ke irak oleh sekutu yang dikomando oleh AS. Pelaku pasar beralih investasi dari pasar uang dan pasar saham ke investasi emas sehingga permintaan emas melonjak tajam.

3. Suplay dan permintaan
Salah satu contoh yang dapat mempengaruhi suplay dan permintaan dari emas adalah seperti kejadian pada pertengahan 1980. Pada saat itu, penjualan forward oleh perusahaan pertambangan selalu dipersalahkan atas terjadinya kenaikan pada harga emas. Dalam kerangka bisnis, sebenarnya perilaku perusahaan pertambangan tersebut masuk akal. Dengan melakukan penjualan Forward ketika harga emas menguat, mereka akan mengamankan harga out put tambang pada harga yang cukup menarik.

Contoh lainnya kasus pada pertengahan tahun 1998 dimana harga emas terus merosot. Saat itu, bank-bank sentral di eropa menyatakan akan mengurangi cadangan emasnya sehubungan rencana pemberlakuan mata uang euro. Harga emas langsung anjlok di sekitar 290 dollar per troy ounce.

4. Situasi ekonomi Global
Sekitar 80% dari total suplay emasdigunakan industri perhiasan. Konsumsi perhiasan adalah pengaruh yang besar terhadap sisis permintaan.

Ketika kondisi ekonomi meningkat, kebutuhan akan perhiasan cenderung naik. Namun, dari data statistik terlihat kebutuhan akan perhiasan lebih sensitif terhadap naik turunnya harga emas dibandingkan meningkatnya kondisi ekonomi.

Jatuhnya tingkat kebutuhan perhiasan pada masa resesi di tahun 1982 - 1983 terutama akibat naiknya harga emas secara simultan. Jatuhnya tingkat kebutuhan perhiasan dimasa resesi awal 90-an lebih selaras dengan hal diatas, pada saat itu harga emas menjadi turun.

Situasi ekonomi yang tidak menentu dapat mengakibatkan inflasi tinggi. Emas biasa digunakan sebagai alat lindung nilai terhadap inflasi. Mangfaat ini telah dirasakan investor sejak lama. Dengan emas investor mendapatkan perlindungan sempurna terhadap merosotnya daya beli. Ketika tahun 1978 - 1980 harga emas sedang booming; sementara inflasi di AS naik dari 4% menjadi 14 %, harga emas naik tiga kali lipat.

5. Suku Bunga
Ketika tingkat suku bunga naik, ada usaha yang besar untuk tetap mnyimpan uang pada depositu ketimbang emas yang tidak menghasilkan bunga. Ini akan menimbulkan tekanan pada harga emas. Sebaliknya, ketika suku bunga turun , harga emas akan cenderung naik.

Secara teoro jika suku bunga jangka pendek naik, Harga emas turun, Di Indonesia teori ini tidak selalu berlaku.

Pada tahun 1998, karena nilai tukar rupiah merosot tajam terhadap mata uang Dollar AS. Harapannya menahan laju kenikan nilai tukar dollar AS. Akibatnya walaupun tingkat suku bunga naik, harga emas juga naik.

Senin, 31 Mei 2010


GOLD AND INFLATION (Emas dan Inflasi)

Gold is often referred to as a "barometer of fear". At the time of the person concerned with the economic situation, they tend to buy gold to protect their property values. Two kinds of economic situations that often make all the people worried about inflation and deflation. Gold has been proven as a means of storing wealth which hold good for inflation and deflation.

One obvious example of resistance of gold for inflation we can see from this example: Muhammad Rosullah era, around 1400 years ago, the price of one sheep was worth a dinar. One dinar is the content of a piece with 22 carat gold and weighs approximately 4.25 grams. Currently, a goat with the same quality has a price equivalent to one dinar.

We can see that the value of gold is not affected by the economic situation peribahan for more than 14 centuries. Compare prices with the total amount of time goats. Ten years ago, the money amounted to 300 thousand rupiah to buy a goat that was good. But now, a goat good should be bought with money of more than one million rupiah.

Translate in Indonesia

Pada saat orang-orang cemas dengan situasi perekonomian, mereka cenderung untuk membeli emas untuk melindungi nilai kekayaan mereka. Dua macam situasi ekonomi yang sering membuat semua orang cemas adalah inflasi dan deflasi. Emas telah terbukti sebagai sarana penyimpanan kekayaan yang tahan baik terhadap inflasi maupun deflasi.

Salah satu contoh nyata ketahanan emas terhadap inflasi dapat kita lihat dari contoh berikut : pada jaman Rosullah Muhammad SAW, sekitar 1400 tahun yang lalu, harga satu ekor kambing adalah seharga satu dinar. Satu dinar adalah sepotong emas dengan kadar 22 karat dan mempunyai berat sekitar 4,25 gram. Saat ini, seekor kambing dengan kualitas yang sama mempunyai harga yang ekivalen dengan satu dinar.

Dapat kita lihat bahwa nilai emas sama sekali tidak terpengaruh oleh peribahan situasi ekonomi selama lebih dari 14 abad. Bandingkan dengan harga kambing kalau di hitung dengan rupiah. Sepuluh tahun lalu, uang sebesar 300 ribu rupiah bisa membeli seekor kambing yang bagus. Tapi sekarang, kambing yang bagus harus dibeli dengan uang lebih dari satu juta rupiah.

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

PEDOMAN INVESTASI EMAS BAGIAN I/investment guidelines for the gold section

Sekilas Tentang Emas

Emas sebagai logam adalah sebuah elemen kimia yang memiliki simbol Au dan Nomor Atom 79. Sifat kimia dari emas adalah "inert". Artinya emas tidak mudah bereaksi dengan unsur kimia lain. Emas tetap akan berkilau walau pun sekian lama terkubur didalam tanah atau didasar lautan.

Logam emas mempunyai kegunaan dalam berbagai industri. Tetapi penggunaan utamanya adalah sebagai perhiasan dan alat transaksi perdagangan atau mata uang, keduanya merupakan sarana lindung nilai. Emas telah digunakan sebagai mata uang sejak lebih dari 5000 tahun yang lalu.

Emas merupakan logam yang mempunyai nilai yang sangat tinggi disemua kebudayaan di dunia, bahkan dalam bentuk mentahnya sekalipun. Di Indonesia terdapat salah satu tambang emas terbesar di dunia, yaitu yang berada di tembaga pura, papua yang dikelola oleh PT. Freeport Indonesia.

(terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris)

a glimpse of gold

Gold as metal is a chemical element that has the symbol Au and atomic number 79. chemical properties of gold is "inert". This means that gold is not easy to react with other chemical elements. Gold is still going to shine, although their long-buried in the ground or sea based.

Gold metal has been used in various industries. But its main use is as jewelry and tools of trade or currency transactions, whether the hedging instruments. Gold has been used as currency for more than 5000 years ago.

Gold is a metal that has a very high value in all cultures in the world, even in raw form. In Indonesia there is one of the world's largest gold mine, located in the copper temple, Papua, which is managed by PT. Freeport's Indonesian.

Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Jadwal Piala Dunia 2010

Ajang Piala Dunia 2010 sedah semakin dekat, Jangan lewatkan satu pertandingan pun. Inilah jadwal pertandingan ajang bergengsi tersebut :

Grup A:
11 Juni 2010
21:00 Afrika Selatan v Meksiko, Soccer City, Johannesburg
12 Juni 2010
01:30 Uruguay v Prancis, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town

17 Juni 2010
01:30 Afrika Selatan v Uruguay, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria
17 Juni 2010
18:30 Prancis v Meksiko, Peter Mokaba Stadium, Polokwane

22 Juni 2010
21:00 Meksiko v Uruguay, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg
21:00 Prancis v Afrika Selatan, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein

Grup B:
12 Juni 2010
18:30 Argentina v Nigeria, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg
21:00 Korea Selatan v Yunani, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth

17 Juni 2010
21:00 Argentina v Korea Selatan, Soccer City, Johannesburg
18 Juni 2010
01:30 Yunani v Nigeria, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein

23 Juni 2010
01:30 Yunani v Argentina, Peter Mokaba Stadium, Polokwane
01:30 Nigeria v Korea Selatan, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban

Grup C:
13 Juni 2010
01:30 Inggris v Amerika Serikat, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg
13 Juni 2010
18:30 Aljazair v Slovenia, Peter Mokaba Stadium, Polokwane

18 Juni 2010
21:00 Inggris v Aljazair, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town
19 Juni 2010
01:30 Slovenia v Amerika Serikat, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg

23 Juni 2010
21:00 Amerika Serikat v Aljazair, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria
21:00 Slovenia v Inggris, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth

Grup D:
13 Juni 2010
21:00 Jerman v Australia, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban
14 Juni 2010
01:30 Serbia v Ghana, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria

18 Juni 2010
18:30 Jerman v Serbia, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth
19 Juni 2010
18:30 Ghana v Australia, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg

24 Juni 2010
01:30 Australia v Serbia, Mbombela Stadium, Nelspruit
01:30 Ghana v Jerman, Soccer City, Johannesburg

Grup E:
14 Juni 2010
18:30 Belanda v Denmark, Soccer City, Johannesburg
21:00 Jepang v Kamerun, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein

19 Juni 2010
21:00 Belanda v Jepang, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban
20 Juni 2010
01:30 Kamerun v Denmark, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria

25 Juni 2010
01:30 Denmark v Jepang, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg
01:30 Kamerun v Belanda, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town

Grup F:
15 Juni 2010
01:30 Italia v Paraguay, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town
15 Juni 2010
18:30 Selandia Baru v Slowakia, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg

20 Juni 2010
18:30 Italia v Selandia Baru, Mbombela Stadium, Nelspruit
21:00 Slowakia v Paraguay, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein

24 Juni 2010
21:00 Paraguay v Selandia Baru, Peter Mokaba Stadium, Polokwane
21:00 Slowakia v Italia, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg

Grup G:
15 Juni 2010
21:00 Brasil v Korea Utara, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg
16 Juni 2010
01:30 Pantai Gading v Portugal, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth

21 Juni 2010
01:30 Brasil v Pantai Gading, Soccer City, Johannesburg
21 Juni 2010
18:30 Portugal v Korea Utara, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town

25 Juni 2010
21:00 Korea Utara v Pantai Gading, Mbombela Stadium, Nelspruit
21:00 Portugal v Brasil, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban

Grup H:
16 Juni 2010
18:30 Spanyol v Swiss, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban
21:00 Honduras v Cili, Mbombela Stadium, Nelspruit

21 Juni 2010
21:00 Spanyol v Honduras, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth
22 Juni 2010
01:30 Cili v Swiss, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg

26 Juni 2010
01:30 Swiss v Honduras, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein
01:30 Cili v Spanyol, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria

16 Besar
26 Juni 2010, 21:00
Juara Grup A v Peringkat Kedua Grup B, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth (Partai 49)

27 Juni 2010, 01:30
Juara Grup C v Peringkat Kedua Grup D, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg (Partai 50)

27 Juni 2010, 21:00
Juara Grup D v Peringkat Kedua Grup C, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein (Partai 51)

28 Juni 2010, 01:30
Juara Grup B v Peringkat Kedua Grup A, Soccer City, Johannesburg (Partai 52)

28 Juni 2010, 21:00
Juara Grup E v Peringkat Kedua Grup F, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban (Partai 53)

29 Juni 2010, 01:30
Juara Grup G v Peringkat Kedua Grup H, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg (Partai 54)

29 Juni 2010, 21:00
Juara Grup F v Peringkat Kedua Grup E, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria (Partai 55)

30 Juni 2010, 01:30
Juara Grup H v Peringkat Kedua Grup G, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town (Partai 56)

2 Juli 2010, 21:00
Pemenang Partai 53 v Pemenang Partai 54, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth (Partai 57)

3 Juli 2010, 01:30
Pemenang Partai 49 v Pemenang Partai 50, Soccer City, Johannesburg (Partai 58)

3 Juli 2010, 21:00
Pemenang Partai 52 v Pemenang Partai 51, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town (Partai 59)

4 Juli 2010, 01:30
Pemenang Partai 55 v Pemenang Partai 56, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg (Partai 60)

7 Juli 2010, 01:30
Pemenang Partai 58 v Pemenang Partai 57, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town (Partai 61)

8 Juli 2010, 01:30
Pemenang Partai 59 v Pemenang Partai 60, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban (Partai 62)

Perebutan Juara Ketiga
11 Juli 2010, 01:30
Tim Kalah Partai 61 v Tim Kalah Partai 62, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth (Partai 63)

12 Juli 2010, 01:30
Pemenang Partai 61 v Pemenang Partai 62, Soccer City, Johannesburg (Partai 64)


Senin, 19 April 2010

Sukabumi tourism

Sukabumi is located about 120 km from Jakarta, or about two and a half hours travel by private car. This place is very easily accessible from Jakarta, Bogor and Bandung. Sukabumi has a variety of attractions, ranging from marine tourism, coastal tourism on the mountain. Some interesting places to visit, tourists, namely:

coastal tourism
Sukabumi has a long stretch of coast, 117 km from the Cibangban Beach, which is 17 km from Palabuhan ratu. This beach is very beautiful because it has a quiet beach compared to other beaches in Palabuhan ratu, and supported by the natural beauty of the panorama extraordinary environment. Palabuhan ratu beach will be more amazing when viewed in the afternoon when the sun has set, especially during the full moon. To be able to watch the sunset panorama can be seen from the beach Hawu Reef. For lodging, widely available along the coast inn that offers a variety of fasility, the only thing is Inna Samudra Beach Hotel.

Palabuhan ratu has many beaches with waves suitable for surfing activities, among others Cimaja Beach, beach and other beaches. This activity can be performed either the morning or late afternoon, the wind surfing is usually best to start blowing from the eleven in the morning until four o'clock in the afternoon. Usually the best season to meet their surfing activities from May to October.

Hawu reef which is usually called a panoramic view of beautiful sunsets, is also a good place to surf. The city is located about 2 km from Cimaja, while for the east Cimaja Karangsari with the waves not too big a place that is suitable for beginners.

Sukabumi has many rivers, which there are several rivers that have been very popular with rafting activities, such as Citarik River located about 30 km from the town of Sukabumi, this river has the best rapids and has a winding path down the mountain with views Hazy until kepesawahan beautiful woods from the right and left. Other rivers are also frequently used for the main tourist attractions are the river and the river Cimandiri Cicatih.

The annual ceremony
Annual Ceremony of the fishermen is the tradition of the fishermen in Palabuhanratu event to thank Almighty God for the pleasure they derived from marine sources in daily life. The event was held in April every year.

cangkuang ecotourism
Wana Cangkuang KPH Sukabumi Tourism is an object that provides a unique natural shades on the slopes of Mount Salak. Located atop Mount Salak Village Cidahu Sukabumi District, with a new and natural atmosphere thus providing naturally cool and calm atmosphere, so it is very suitable for family recreation, students and employees. In addition Cangkuang Wana Wisata is also suitable for implementing corporate meetings. For students and visitors that the interest of adventure tour organizer has prepared the ground camping and hiking tracks to reach the Queen and the Cauldron Waterfall Two terraces.

cipelang ecotourism
Cipelang tourist attraction that offers a natural ambience with a distinctive characteristic of the mountain, visitors are taken to the natural atmosphere that is hard to find nowadays, especially with very complex routines town atmosphere, the atmosphere KPH Sukabumi attractions suited to relieve stress and for family tourism, is very good to give lessons about nature and life.

Located 15 km north of town at the foot of Mount Gede Sukabumi with temperatures ranging between 18-20oC with an average humidity of 17%. With a large enough area camping ground, Wana Wisata Cipelang very suitable for camping activities for students and the general public.

ecotourism cave buniayu
Buniayu Caves are natural cave formed by water erosion and dissolution of layers of limestone forest in the hills that occurred over thousands of years. Ecotourism is located in the village of Sukabumi Regency Nyalindung to Kertaangsana Sagaranten, with temperatures ranging between 20-28oC with an average rainfall is 3750 mm.

Sukabumi with a wealth of tourist attraction, has always been a visitor attraction. Actually there are many other places more interesting to visit. Tourists staying determining what attractions to visit.

is taken from postings

Rabu, 14 April 2010

brief history of the town of Sukabumi

Soekaboemi name actually exists before the anniversary of the city are 13 January 1815. City currently has a total area of 48.15 km2 initially consisted of several villages called Cikole and Paroeng Seah, until a surgeon named Dr. Andries de Wilde called Sukabumi. Please note a Andris de Wilde also Preanger Planter (coffee and tea), who settled in Bandung, where the former coffee shop and warehouse now used as office Bandung City Government.

Initially he sent a letter to his friend Englhard Pieter asked the government to change the name Cikole (which is based on the name of the river dividing the town of Sukabumi) in Sukabumi, January 13, 1815. And since it officially became Cikole Sukabumi. Sukabumi word comes from the air means happy-boemen Sundanese cool and comfortable, and those who come do not want to move again because they love its natural condition. However, it does not mean the city's birthday which falls on that date.

Not short stories, comes from a much-needed coffee VOC, Rie van Beek, and try to develop a broader coffee plants Zwadecroon around Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi. Year 1709 Governor Van Riebek conduct inspections to coffee plantations in Cibalagung (Bogor), Cianjur, Jogjogan, Cottage Kopo, and Thunder Mountain Sukabumi. And this is one reason for the construction of railway lines connecting with Buitenzorg and Batavia Sukabumi in western and Tjiandjoer (Priangan capital) and Bandung to the east.

At that time, de Wilde is a personal assistant to the Governor-General Daendels and is known as a landowner in Jasinga Bogor. On January 25, 1813, he bought land in Sukabumi, which includes five-twelfth part of all the land in Sukabumi 58 thousand ringgit worth of Spain. The land is bordered by the slopes of Mount Gede Pangrango in the north, south dibbagian Cimandiri, then to the western borders Jakarta and Banten Residency and east of the River Cikupa.

On April 1, 1914, raised its status to a town of Sukabumi. The reason, in this city a lot of silence the Dutch and European planters (planters Preanger) in South and had to get special service and ministry. On the same date 354 years ago, the Dutch are proud to win the war against Spain. That's why on April 1 anniversary of the city are made. Then, May 1, 1926 the city government was formed and appointed Mr. GF. Rambonet as burgemeester (mayor), first in Sukabumi.

source text is taken from the gruop soekaboemi heritages facebook

Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Happy Birthday !!!!

Happy Birthday anak ku Nabilah Siddiqa Auli yang ke 3 tahun
Happy Birthday anak ku Muhammad Rafa Siddiq yang ke 1 tahun

Enggak terasa sudah waktu berjalan begitu cepatnya, rasanya baru kemarin saya melihat anak paling kecil saya (laki - laki) baru lahir. Ternyata waktu sudah berjalan selama 1 tahun. Selamat ualng tahun buat Bilah buah hati ku yang kedua yang pada tanggal 11 April 2010 ini merupakan ulang tahunnya yang ketiga, dan selamat ulang tahun juga buat jagoan kecil ku rafa yang pada tanggal 15 April 2010 nanti merayakan ulangtahunnya yang pertama. Mudah-mudahan anak-anakku ini bisa menjadi anak-anak yang soleh & Soleha, dapat berguna bagi nusa, bangsa dan agama. Serta dapat berbakti kepada orangtuanya (Amin).

Rabu, 07 April 2010

Sukabumi Tempo Doelo

Inilah tampilan balai kota sukabumi tempo dulu, saat itu belum ada kemacetan angkos seperti saat ini, kalo andong yang lagi parkir didepan mungkin kendaraan dinas pejabat jaman dulu kali ya :)




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